Fifteen Massage And Bodywork LLC
Spinal Flow Techniqueâ„¢



Did you know that our body was FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY made?

David speaks of the care and attention with which God has made us in Psalm 139:14.


The problem is that as far back as birth, we have held unprocessed stress/trauma. Whether it be physical, chemical or emotional. Not knowing how to process these stressors, our body decides to just place it in the back of our mind to deal with LATER (The back of our minds being the spine!), leading to spinal blockages! Unfortunately, later rarely ever comes. Layer upon layer, our body still tries to function. These blockages restrict the healing communication from the brain to the spinal nerves ( that is the communication system to every cell, organ, muscle tendon of the body), causing pain, illness and dis-ease. Keeping the body in a constant state of fight/flight response.

As a Spinal Flow Practitioner, I can help you find those places that your body has stored those unprocessed emotions, using gentle touch to certain access points on the sacrum and sphenoid. Growing the spinal wave to remove these blockages one layer at a time. Allowing the body to fully communicate with all the nerves of the spine.

If you are READY to help your body HEAL and release your stress and trauma , I am happy and excited to help you!

Give us a call to get on the path to HEALTH and WELLNESS!

Your first visit you will get a full assessment of the blockages of the 7 gateways of the spine, as well as a posture analysis and your first treatment. We ask that you commit to at least 12 sessions to see improvement. You didn't get all those blockages in ONE day so it may take several sessions to remove them. The first session please allow for 60 minutes and 30-45 minutes thereafter.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you on your healing journey.



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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